5th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health, ICED2024
ICED2024 – Guidelines for your submission

ICED2024 – Guidelines for your submission

Type of Papers

Presentations: include the submission of full papers.

Posters: without the submission of a full paper.

Language of the Conference:

English is the official language of the Conference. Please submit your abstracts, papers and posters and prepare your presentations in English.


  • A. Submit your abstract
  • 1. Click here to download the abstract template.
  • 2. Please indicate if you will attend ICED2024 in situ or online.
  • 3. Submit your abstract here (create an account and then activate it by clicking on the email sent by the system)
  • 4. Please indicate if you wish to present your work as a full paper/presentation or as a poster. The Conference Organizers/Scientific Committee will make the final decision.
  • B. Submit your full paper
  • 1. If your abstract is accepted as an oral presentation, you should upload a full paper.
  • 2. Prepare your paper in accordance to E3S template.
  • 3. By submitting a paper, all authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the E3S Publishing Policies & Ethics.
  • 4. For regular papers, the minimum length is 5 pages and the maximum length is 8 pages. For review works, the maximum length is 30 pages (references included).
  • 4. Submit your paper here.
  • Review
  • Each paper will first be examined for:
    • Similarity with previous works. The papers that will have a high similarity will be rejected,
    • Minimum and maximum lenghts. The papers that are shorter than 5 pages or exceeding 8 pages (or 30 for reviews) will be returned to the authors,
    • Format. The papers that don’t follow the E3S format will be returned to the authors,
  • After the review of each paper, the Conference Organizers/Scientific Committee will make the following decisions:
    • Accept as full paper/oral presentation in the current form,
    • Accept as full paper/oral presentation after modifications,
    • Accept as poster and not full paper,
    • Reject.
  • The 120 best papers, according to the notes of the reviewers, and limited to 3 papers per author, will be published in E3S Conference Proceedings. The others will be uploaded to the Conference website.
  • Final accepance
  • The papers will be accepted only if they are prepared according to E3S template.
  • Submit your poster
  • If your abstract is accepted as a poster presentation:
    • Please upload your poster in the platform. The name of your file should be Poster_IDnumber.pdf.
    • Please indicate if you will present your poster insitu or online.
    • As the posters will be visualized on a screen, a landscape layout should be used.
    • Please add the ICED Banner at the top left part of the poster and the ICED QR code on the top right corner.
  • Number of works per author. There is no limitation on the number of works submitted per author. However, in the case of acceptance of several of them, only 3 (with the best score of the reviewers) can be published in the E3S Proceedings. The others will be published on the Conference Website.