Chair of the Conference: Efthimios Zervas, Professor of Hellenic Open Univeristy.

Prof Efthimios Zervas is Chemical Engineer of National Technical University of Athens, Greece, with a MSc in Oil Sciences from École Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs (ENSPM) and University Paris VI and a PhD in Chemistry from University of Haute Alsace and Institut Français du Pétrole, France. In the past, he worked at Renault, France, and also in other Companies, Universities and Research Institutes in France and Greece (Total and Ecole des Mines de Nantes in France, EKETA and Democritus University of Thrace in Greece).
He is currently Professor at Hellenic Open University, Director of the MSc Program “Environmental Design” and Director of the “Laboratory of Technology and Policy of Energy and Environment”. His current research activities are focused on the chain: “fuel / combustion / energy / transportation / emissions / pollution / climate change”, with some specific applications on sustainability issues, public opinion of energy and environmental issues, chemical analysis, cheminformatics, tobacco products, regulations and environmental economics and health impacts.
He is the author of 126 publications in Scopus, having more than 2,700 citations in Scopus (h-index=28), and 4,300 in Google Scholar (h-index=33) and of more than 280 presentations in national and international conferences. He takes part of the list of the 2% top scientists recently published from Stanford University ( He is involved in several European, national and industry funded projects. He is expert and Chair of the European Commission Independent Advisory Panel on Charasterising Tobacco Products, and also expert of the Tobacco and Vaping Products of the French Agency ANSES. He was also partner of the first European Joint Action on Tobacco Control and is currently member of other national and international committees concerning environmental issues.