5th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health, ICED2024


The papers presented in the 1st ICED (ICED2020) are included in the Proceedings of the Conference which are published in the website of the Conference. The papers presented in the 2nd ICED (ICED2021) and 3rd ICED (ICED2022) are included in the Proceedings of the Conference, which are published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, which are indexed in SCOPUS. The papers presented in the 4the ICED (ICED2023) are included in the Proceedings of the Conference, which are published in the Conference Series of E3S Conferences which is SCOPUS-indexed.

The Proceedings of 5th ICED (ICED2024) (limited to the 120 best papers and max 3 papers/author) will be published in the Conference Series of E3S Conferences which is SCOPUS-indexed.

Google Scholar automatically covers all ICED Proceedings (both papers and posters).