5th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health, ICED2024
ICED2024 – Plenary Lectures

ICED2024 – Plenary Lectures

Plenary Lecture 1: Parting the Fog of War: The Challenge of Measuring Global Military’s Carbon Footprints – A case study of Israel-Gaza

Benjamin Neimark, Queen Mary University of London

Benjamin Neimark is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Business and Management, and a Fellow at the Institute of Social Science and Humanities (IHSS) at Queen Mary University of London. Benjamin is a human geographer and political ecologist (defined as the intersections of ecology and a broadly defined political economy) whose research focuses on politics of biological conservation and resource extraction, high-value commodity chains, ‘green’ precarious smallholder production, and development. His current research looks at the US military as a global climate actor and, more broadly, the environment footprints of the world’s militaries. His latest book ‘Hottest of the Hotspots: The Rise of Eco-Precariat Labour in Madagascar’ was recently published from the University of Arizonia Press: https://uapress.arizona.edu/book/hottest-of-the-hotspots


Plenary Lecture 2: The class dynamics of climate action: Economic elites in the international climate debate

Edouard Morena, University of London Institute in Paris

Edouard Morena is a Senior Lecturer in French and International Politics at the University of London Institute in Paris (ULIP). His current research looks at the justice dimensions of climate action. He is particularly interested in the role and influence of philanthropic foundations, economic elites and elite networks, and how they shape the international climate agenda. Edouard’s most recent book is Fin du Monde et Petits Fours: Les Ultra-Riches Face à la Crise Climatique (La Découverte, 2024). In 2016, he published The Price of Climate Action: Philanthropic Foundations in the International Climate Debate (Palgrave, 2016). He has also co-edited two volumes: Globalising the Climate: COP21 and the Climatisation of Global Debates (with Stefan Aykut and Jean Foyer, Routledge, 2017) and Just Transitions: Social Justice in the Shift Towards a Low-Carbon World (with Dunja Krause and Dimitirs Stevis, Pluto Press, 2020). 
