5th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health, ICED2024
ICED2024 – Program – Connection links

ICED2024 – Program – Connection links

Connection Links for the online participants (Athens time)

Friday 18-10-2024, ROOM A

Panelists (presenters of papers and posters)

Webinar topic: ICED2024, Friday 18-10-2024, ROOM A

Date and time: Friday, October 18, 2024 / 7:00 AM  |  (UTC+03:00) Athens, Bucharest  |  13 hrs

Join link: https://hou.webex.com/hou/j.php?MTID=m8762f464e5468987c7c183930838f751

Join by meeting number 
Meeting number (access code): 2784 841 7035 
Meeting password: HmXMnKyF936 
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) 
+30-21-1990-2394,,27848417035## Greece Toll 
+30-21-1198-1029,,27848417035## Greece Toll 2 
Join by phone
+30-21-1990-2394 Greece Toll
+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll 2
Global call-in numbers
Join from a video system or application 
Dial 27848417035@hou.webex.com 
You can also dial and enter your meeting number. 

Friday 18-10-2024 ROOM B

Panelists (presenters of papers and postesr)

Webinar topic: ICED2024, Friday 18-10-2024, ROOM B

Date and time: Friday, October 18, 2024 / 7:00 AM  |  (UTC+03:00) Athens, Bucharest  |  13 hrs

Join link: https://hou.webex.com/hou/j.php?MTID=m6033f62be13e4ae7d9cde87a2bf10317

Join by meeting number 
Meeting number (access code): 2783 229 4639
Meeting password: JkWQmxsQ238 

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)+30-21-1990-2394,,27832294639## Greece Toll+30-21-1198-1029,,27832294639## Greece Toll 2

Join by phone
+30-21-1990-2394 Greece Toll
+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll 2
Global call-in numbers
Join from a video system or application
Dial 27832294639@hou.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Saturday 19-10-2024 ROOM A

Panelists (presenters of papers and posters)

Webinar topic: ICED2024, Saturday 19-10-2024, ROOM A

Date and time: Saturday, October 19, 2024 /  7:00 AM  |  (UTC+03:00) Athens, Bucharest  |  13 hrs

Join link: https://hou.webex.com/hou/j.php?MTID=m72a948995ed3d76076107e6fff38fe7c

Join by meeting number 
Meeting number (access code): 2781 081 7737 
Meeting password: p9UJgJCAd72 
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) 
+30-21-1990-2394,,27810817737## Greece Toll 
+30-21-1198-1029,,27810817737## Greece Toll 2 
Join by phone 
+30-21-1990-2394 Greece Toll 
+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll 2 
Global call-in numbers 
Join from a video system or application
Dial 27810817737@hou.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Saturday 19-10-2024, ROOM B

Panelists (presenters of papers and posters)

Webinar topic: ICED2024, Saturday 19-10-2024, ROOM B

Date and time: Saturday, October 19, 2024 / 7:00 AM  |  (UTC+03:00) Athens, Bucharest  |  13 hrs

Join link: https://hou.webex.com/hou/j.php?MTID=m5f5ff3a4c2637dca50413cf3f6abbf3e

Join by meeting number 
Meeting number (access code): 2733 336 4282 
Meeting password: JpFwZsWZ664 
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) 
+30-21-1990-2394,,27333364282## Greece Toll 
+30-21-1198-1029,,27333364282## Greece Toll 2 
Join by phone 
+30-21-1990-2394 Greece Toll 
+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll 2 
Global call-in numbers 
Join from a video system or application
Dial 27333364282@hou.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Sunday 20-10-2024, ROOM A

Panelists (presenters of papers and posters)

Webinar topic: ICED2024, Sunday 20-10-2024, ROOM A

Date and time: Sunday, October 20, 2024 / 7:00 AM  |  (UTC+03:00) Athens, Bucharest  |  13 hrs


Join by meeting number 
Meeting number (access code): 2791 170 8333 
Meeting password: mnURmMFf332 
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) 
+30-21-1990-2394,,27911708333## Greece Toll 
+30-21-1198-1029,,27911708333## Greece Toll 2 
Join by phone 
+30-21-1990-2394 Greece Toll 
+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll 2 
Global call-in numbers 
Join from a video system or application
Dial 27911708333@hou.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number

Sunday 20-10-2024, ROOM B

Panelists (presenters of papers and posters)

Webinar topic: ICED2024, Sunday 19-10-2024, ROOM B

Date and time: Sunday, October 20, 2024 / 7:00 AM  |  (UTC+03:00) Athens, Bucharest  |  13 hrs

Join link: https://hou.webex.com/hou/j.php?MTID=mc0a1783703bf02c41f9b280880d1fbf0

Join by meeting number 
Meeting number (access code): 2786 713 5373 
Meeting password: Tu32JNwAtE8 
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) 
+30-21-1990-2394,,27867135373## Greece Toll 
+30-21-1198-1029,,27867135373## Greece Toll 2 
Join by phone 
+30-21-1990-2394 Greece Toll 
+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll 2 
Global call-in numbers 
Join from a video system or application
Dial 27867135373@hou.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number